Tuesday, August 17, 2010

1 month and Counting...

We are officially in the home stretch!!! We have one month til Sheynas due date, and around the same time for Corey to be home! The time can not go by fast enough! My last day at work was Saturday, which was bittersweet. Everyone surprised me with flowers, cake, ice cream and a card! It was honestly so awesome!! Since i am a stay at home mommy again i am trying to get our house back in order and its not an easy task.. adryans schedule is so messed up from bouncing from sitter to sitter so we are working on that first. I am also getting Sheynas room finished! She could be here anyday now, but were hoping she waits for her Daddy! Yesterday i got my pregnancy pictures done, and i can not wait to see them! It was so much fun and i know Carrie Fay did an amazing job!! She always does! I really hope the next few weeks fly by, and this little girl stays in so Corey can be home for her birth! It would be such a blessing, and would mean so much to him. Crossing my fingers!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

50 days!

Well its 50 days til sheynas due date! less than two months i cant belive it! im 33 weeks tomorrow, so is actually allowed to be born in 3 WEEEEEKKKSS!!! i feel like i still have so much to do and so little time! Well my last post i was talking about my iron defeciency, and its recently been getting a little better. Now im just constantly tired and feeling the effects of sheyna being so big! Nausea is a daily challenge but my doctor said its normal. Yesterday was my check up and i weigh 134 pounds and everything is going well. Just a little over a month and my baby will be here and my love will be home! The time can not go fast enough! Adryan is doing well, hes still a little monster but i love him! Well till next time....

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A little thing called IRON!

Well today was my 30 week appt for Sheyna. And for the most part it went good. Her heartrate was 142, and i weigh 130.6 so ive gained some more weight which is good. I recently have been feeling so horrible tho, i get very short of breath after doing simple things like changing adryans diaper, or loading the dishwasher, folding laundry, simple tasks. So i told my doctor about it and she said its because i have iron deficency, and my iron tablets should help it. well i have been taking my pills for about a week now, and in my opinion the feeling is just getting worse. So today i did some research about this whole anemic during pregnancy and it turns out it is a bigger deal than my doctor led me to think. It can cause low birth weight, low weight gain for me, dizzy spells, even newborn death! so tonight i went to sprouts and got a bunch of different kinda of foods that are high in iron so hopefully i can start feeling better, and make sure my little girl is ok! Its insane to think that our bodies are made so precisly that if one piece to the puzzle is missing, our bodies will fall apart! I hope i start feeling better, and soon because my little boy doesnt understand "Mommy doesnt feel good today so take it easy."
I cant wait for Corey to be home and this will alllll be over!! And our little girl will be here! Friday i am 31 weeks! I cant believe how fast the time has gone! WOW! so long for now, i'll write again soon!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Listen to Teashaashcrafts Playlist

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Why hello! Welcome to our blog! With a little baby girl around the corner, and Corey coming home soon, i thought a blog would be a fun way to keep everyone updated in our new adventures! We are about to embark on a amazing change in about 2 months. We have a little girl, Sheyna due Sept 17th! She is our second, we also have our 2 yr old son Adryan. Corey is currently in Afganistan right now but hopefully will make it home in time for the birth! Its gonna be a close call but we are praying that he can be here. We moved into our first home almost a year ago, and we absolutly love it! We are truely blessed for all that God has given us! We are very excited for our upcoming adventure, and cant wait to see our little girl!